Life Insurance with Parkinson’s Disease

You might not think affordable life insurance with Parkinson’s disease is possible, but it is.

Several insurance carriers offer guaranteed acceptance life insurance for people with Parkinson’s disease.

And we’re here to help you find your best price.


Parkinson’s Disease & the Need For Life Insurance

Parkinson’s disease can drastically impact bot your health and your finances.  Both are reasons why having life insurance with Parkinson’s is so important.

Health & Life Expectancy

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects dopamine-producing cells in the brain.  The disease has diverse effects, and symptoms are unique in each person.  Those affected experience tremors, lack of motor function, limb rigidity, impacted speech, and balance problems.  As a result,  these symptoms increase the risk of incidences and accidents that can cause injury or death.

Increased Risk for Other Chronic Diseases

Parkinson’s patients have a significantly increased risk for other health complications and chronic diseases.  Possible complications for Parkinson’s disease include Heart disease, melanoma, and dementia. 

Dementia is the most common disease that develops due to Parkinson’s neurodegenerative impact. A staggering 50 to 80% of Parkinson’s patients develop dementia. 

Financial Impact of Parkinson’s DiseaseLiving with any chronic health issues is likely to bring financial challenges.  Parkinson’s is particularly challenging. 

recent press release from the Michael J Fox Foundation sheds light on the devastating financial impact that Parkinson’s disease can create.

“There are a lot of surprise costs when you have Parkinson’s,” said Steve DeWitte, a PD research funding advocate from New Preston, Connecticut, “Beyond the rising costs of medications and healthcare, my family has shouldered the financial burden of my having to leave the workforce 15 years earlier than I had planned. That means our income dropped by more than half, and we’ve had to figure out how to stretch our budget to cover the everyday household tasks I can no longer physically do.”

Are you financially prepared for end-of-life costs?

Just as it costs thousands of dollars to bring life into this world, it’s also expensive when you leave. Funerals often exceed $10,000, and many people leave behind unpaid credit card bills or personal debts.  This is particularly likely for individuals with Parkinson’s disease.  Without a financial plan, your family will likely pay these costs out-of-pocket. 

So what’s the answer?

A senior life insurance policy provides guaranteed funds to help pay your end-of-life expenses. Life insurance funds help reduce or eliminate funeral costs, medical debts, credit card balances, or any other expense that your family chooses. There are no restrictions on how to use policy funds. 

Life Insurance Policies For People with Parkinson’s Disease

It’s to be expected that individuals with severe and chronic health conditions have limited options when searching for life insurance coverage.  Many people automatically assume they don’t qualify and, therefore, never find out what’s possible.   Yes, it’s true that Parkinson’s patients no longer qualify for traditional coverage; however, guaranteed acceptance life insurance is still available as a last resort option.

Guaranteed acceptance life insurance provides up to $30,000 in guaranteed funds for your family to help pay for end-of-life expenses.  There are no medical exams or any health qualifying criteria whatsoever.  As long as you’re between ages 50 and 85, you cannot be turned down due to your health.

Plans are relatively affordable for most budgets. And better yet, several top-rated carriers offer these policies giving you the ability to shop your best price.

Qualifying Criteria

As just mentioned, there are no health requirements to qualify for coverage. There are, however, three criteria in order to qualify.

  1. Must be a U.S. citizen
  2. Between ages 50 -85
  3. Cannot be currently admitted into a hospital or treatment facility

The last requirement is likely is the only challenge that Parkinson’s patients face when seeking coverage. Insurance providers don’t want to grant coverage to individuals who are on the brink of death. And statics show that individuals in custodial care in a hospital or treatment center have a much higher mortality rate than individuals living at home.

As long as you meet these three requirements, we guaranteed to get any Parkinson’s patient approved for life insurance coverage.

Finding Your Best Policy

Finding your best life insurance policy with Parkinson’s disease can be challenging.  Individuals who go about the shopping process on their own often overpay, or worse, end up completely uninsured.

Our independent agency specializes in helping those with pre-existing medical conditions secure quality life insurance coverage to help protect their families financially.

We’ll help you shop and compare life insurance companies nationwide to find your best policy and price.  Additionally, we have a streamlined application process that makes the whole process as easy as possible.

We’ve helped thousands of individuals with chronic health conditions, and we’d love to help you too.

Explore your options today.  Get a personalized life insurance quote for Parkinson’s patients by filling out the form on your screen.

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